Pegasus SF-PC01 Price checker Software for Windows CE 6.00 OS and android App supported. SFPC01 easy configuration and integration with client ERP database like oracle and SQL.

Pegasus SF-PC01 managed with middle ware software which make sure instant price display from client database to price checker.

Supported devices are Zebra Price Checkers and Pegasus PC500.

Trial Period 7 Days
Subscription 12 Months

Trial Period 7 Days, Subscription 12 Months


Price checker - Middle ware (Support android / Windows )supported databases with OLEDB 1 year License , 1 Price Checker Device Support Wince / Android (SF-PC01)

Model No: Pegasus Price Checker (SF-PC01)

Price checker - Middle ware (Support android / Windows )supported databases with OLEDB 1 year License , 1 Price Checker Device Support Wince / Android (SF-PC01)