TimeMan Web

A Perfect Web Solution For Time & Attendance, Timeman is a powerful web-based solution for automated Time & Attendance to suit most businesses, regardless of their size. Timeman is designed to help organizations reduce their administrative overhead by eliminating the time spent on manual timecard calculations, decreasing overall labour costs, and shrinking the gap between payroll policy and actual practice. The Solution is built with Microsoft NET framework and SQL server Relational Database Management system for reliability & flexibility. Users can update & retrieve real-time information from anywhere in the world. Timeman is a perfect web solution for small & medium enterprises (SME) , multinational companies (MNC) & government.


Automated Time Integration

Provides daily, weekly, and flexible clocking schedules to support normal, overnight and multiple shifts configuration.

Centralized Monitoring

The Soltion allows you to monitor your multiple office database simlultaniously in a centralized manner.

Data Unification

The mobile app, TimMan web allows you to clock-in, check attendance history, and generate reports, any where in world..

Wide Data Accessibility

The mobile app, TimeTec web allows you to clock-in, check attendance history, and generate reports, all while you’re on-the-go!

Net Based Administraion

TimeMan supports net based administration.

Wireless Device

TimeMan supports for wireless connections like, Wi-Fi, GPRS, etc..